Warrior Princess

Warrior Princess Conference

The Warrior Princess Conference 2025 is happening on May 15th & 16th at Activate Church.
Get ready for 2 nights and one full day of  transformative  worship, connection, and life-changing messages! This year’s conference features an incredible lineup of speakers and worship leaders:
  • Ashley Daugherty from Victory Church in Tulsa, OK
  • Becky Johnson from Jesus Culture in Sacramento, CA
  • Gini Monaghan from City Life Church in Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Anastasia Fomenko from Kingdom Movement in Vancouver, WA
  • Amira Onuoha from Crossroads Church in Vancouver, WA
  • Activate Worship from Activate Church in Camas, WA
Join women from across the region as we come together to build meaningful relationships, worship as The Church, and bask in the presence of THE KING!
We can’t wait to see you there!

Meet your Speakers:

Ashley Daugherty

Co-Lead Pastor Victory Church, Tulsa OK
Ashley is a mom of 5 and in full time ministry. Her and her husband lead Victory Church which is a legacy generational church that services thousands every Sunday. 

Becky Johnson

Executive Pastor Jesus Culture, Sacramento CA
Becky Johnson is the Executive Pastor of Jesus Culture Sacramento, where she served as the Youth Pastor for seven years. She has a desire to see young people encounter the extreme love and power of God that changed her own life in a radical encounter she had as a teenager.

Gini Monaghan

Pastor City Life Church, Johannesburg South Africa
Gini has served on the Mission field in South Africa for close to 3 decades where her and her husband, James, pastor City Life Church. She is known for her prophetic gifting and dynamic preaching. 

Amira Onuoha

Women's Pastor
Crossroads Church, Vancouver, WA
Amira is the women's pastor of one of the largest most impactful churches in our city. She has a passion to see women set free by the power of Jesus and she is a prophetic voice for our region. 

Warrior Princess

Our Women's Ministry of Activate Church is called Warrior Princess! In today's world as  women you are a full time employee, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a daughter, a friend and a warrior! God has called us to be strong and courageous in our faith as well as rest and be daughters of the King = Princesses!
We believe in the power of gathering together and lifting up the name of Jesus while having fun, building strong relationships and connecting with other local church women's ministries. 

Questions about Warrior Princess?

We'd love to hear from you.